The connection between calming music and sleep

We all need a good night’s sleep. Sleep provides a solid foundation for our mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

However, over 10% of the world’s population suffers from insomnia. However, studies have shown that music can act as a sleep aid and also help us develop healthy sleeping habits. Even people suffering from anxiety or other mental health issues can listen to sleep music for anxiety to fall asleep.

So, why does music help us sleep? Can music really cure insomnia?

Let’s dig deeper to find out the incredible connection between sleep and music.

Can music help us sleep?

Parents know from experience that lullabies and gentle rhythms aid babies in falling asleep. This notion is reinforced by scientific evidence, which demonstrates that children of various ages, ranging from premature infants to elementary school children, experience improved sleep quality when exposed to calming melodies.

However, only children aren’t the only ones limited to reaping the benefits of music while sleeping.

One study found that adults who listened to 45 minutes of music before sleep experienced immediate improvements in sleep quality. Moreover, incorporating music into their nightly routine regularly resulted in cumulative benefits, with participants reporting better sleep over time.

Additionally, sleep music therapy can significantly reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. In a study involving women with insomnia symptoms, playing a self-selected album for 10 consecutive nights reduced their average time to fall asleep from 27 to 69 minutes to just 6 to 13 minutes.

Playing music before bedtime not only helps in falling asleep faster and enhancing sleep quality but also improves sleep efficiency. This means that more time spent in bed is devoted to actual sleep. This leads to more consistent and uninterrupted rest throughout the night.

So, why exactly does music help us sleep?

The intriguing connection between music and sleep

The process of hearing music involves converting sound waves into electrical signals in the brain, which then triggers various physical effects that promote sleep and alleviate sleep-related issues.

Studies indicate that music enhances sleep by regulating hormones, particularly cortisol, which is associated with stress. By reducing cortisol levels, music helps individuals relax, release stress, and achieve a state of ease.

Music also stimulates the release of dopamine, a hormone associated with pleasurable activities, which can enhance positive feelings at bedtime. Another common cause of sleeplessness is pain, and dopamine hellps alleviate it.

Music also has a soothing effect on the autonomic nervous system. It leads to slower breathing, reduced heart rate, and lower blood pressure. This helps our body to relax, which ultimately helps us in sleeping.

How to use music for sleeping?

Music can be incorporated as a part of a healthy bedtime routine.

To make sleep music therapy a part of your bedtime routine, ensure that you carefully select the right type of songs to address your needs. For example, some people may choose to listen to sleep music for anxiety, as they might be dealing with mental or emotionola health issues.

The type of music you choose to play, and its volume can be determining factors as to whether you will drift off into a state of deep sleep, or stay wide awake. So, try following the guidelines below.

  • Create a playlist

Compile a collection of soothing songs or consider purchasing an album specifically designed for relaxation and sleep. Disable auto-play to prevent unexpected music transitions that may disrupt your sleep.

  • Choose your device type

Decide on the device you prefer for playing sleep music, such as a stereo, smartphone, or computer speaker. If you’re concerned about disturbing your sleep partner, consider using comfortable headphones designed for sleep.

  •  Maintain a low volume

Protect your sleep by keeping the volume at a low level. Loud music can harm your hearing and hinder your ability to fall asleep.

Wrapping it up

Listening to the right type of music before sleeping can go a long way in making or breaking our sleep habits. If you want the best sleep music for bedtime, you can download the Sona app. Our special sleep tracks are designed to help you fall into a state of restful slumber.

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